Is It Easy to Get a Children’s Book Published?

Are you interested in writing a book to later be published? If you are, you will find that you have a number of different options. This includes different genres to choose from. If you haven’t already started writing, you may instinctively think of writing a children’s book. This is because many assume that they are easier to get published as well as an easier way to make more money, but is that really true?

Before automatically assuming that writing a children’s book is the way to go, it is important to examine the current market. There are an unlimited number of children’s books to choose from. Unlike traditional books for adults, you will see a large selection of children’s books in dollar stores and discount stores. As much as parents want their children to be educated, many choose to spend a limited amount of money on children’s books. This leads to many shopping at discount stores or dollar stores. Although not huge, this may have an impact on your ability to get a children’s book or a number of them published.

As previously stated, the competition is fierce for children’s books. That is why many publishers proceed with caution. What makes a $15 children’s book sell is often having a well-known author or a captivating story, especially for young readers or early adults. That is why many larger publishers choose to stick with the same authors or only use agents. Do not let this get you down however. There are many publishers out there who are willing to take a gamble on new children’s book authors and you may be one of them.

One reason why many authors like to write children’s books and think that they would be easier to publish is because of their length. Most children’s books are only a few hundred words long, especially those designed for toddlers and preschoolers. The exception to this is with young adult books, which do fall under the category of children’s books. Yes, it will be quicker to write a children’s book, but that doesn’t improve your chances of getting your book published. It can, in a way, make it harder, as you have to find the perfect words when using less.

Another reason why many hopeful published authors choose to write children’s books is because they believe that they have a better chance of making more money. So, is this true? Not always. Despite the possibility of a variance, authors often receive higher pay for longer novels and other books. It is possible to write a children’s book quicker; therefore, you may be able to write more, but it is also important to note that the same time and thought should be put into all books that are written. Also, remember that you may be able to turn out more books when writing for children, but they must first be published for you to profit from them.

If you do make the decision to publish a children’s book, it is important not to limit yourself. When many individuals think of children’s books, picture books and board books are often the first thing that comes to time. These books are popular, but it is important to remember that the children’s genre is quite large. There are also books for beginning readers, like small chapter books, as well as young adults. Keep this in mind when first looking to write a children’s book, as you may want to experiment.

As highlighted above, it is not necessarily easier to write and publish a children’s book, but that does not mean that you cannot do so. Instead of focusing on how easy it would be to publish a book or how much money you can expect to make, you are urged to write what you know or love. When you feel passionate about the words that you write and the story that you create, you are much more likely to see success.